Friday, October 13, 2006

And get away from my chocolate sandwhich!!! You horrid lil' brute!!! Well actually he's no brute at all... Are you, you my squeaky lil' Champ... Apologies, I'm talking to my kitten: He's now three and a half weeks old and his name is "John Bell"... named after the famous Irish physicist no less...

John Bell is black with a three-percent white face and he's got 3 little white socks... so you can see him crossing the road outside... Or so I'm hoping...He's currently investigating: A] my snack (aforementioned choco-licky sandwhich) and B] my current stack of tedious research papers (more on that later i'm sure)...

So then! My Blog! - my very first one! And here am I positively embracing this modern world for once... Even though I must say, I don't really feel at home here ... at all.

Late 2006, and here in my silent "studio apartment" in the Black Country, I'm suddenly - for reasons uncertain - recalling events leading up to these early 'developing years' of this brand new millenium...
Way back then...
Way back when the bells were gonna go... at any minute.
Oh, John Bell - if you could only have been there... There was this noisy party going on... in a flat in Canonmills, Edinburgh: As I recall, Edinburgh was supposed to be THE place to welcome in the Glorious New Age... And as Edinburgh was a place I knew very, very well... I had to agree.
But the journey North, from Black Country to the Lothians, had been an eventful one... In the 'perma-jade' Punto, doing a reckless 98mph on the M6, my then-boyfriend ("Masta-mix" DJ, Derry Timms) suddenly announced that he'd been "thinkin'..."
"Thinking? About what?" I said looking out at a rainy slab of slate grey abstract...
"I've been thinkin' about you and me..."
I just knew it. I just flipping well knew it!!! Ever since he'd been doing his Friday night residency at 'Sullies' (late bar and nightclub) in Bootle... The fact that it was always too late to drive back to the flat, and so he'd just have to stay at "Michael Leggit's" new place!!! The fact that he'd eventually come home with something of "booming headache" or an irritated "barnard nipsy"...
Yeah, whatever... I just KNEW IT!!! I just sooooo knew it!!!

"You've been thinking about me and you...?" Claws-out-waiting... Here it comes...
"Yeah...y'know... thinkin' about where we've been... and where we might be goin'"
Hmmm? That sniffy air, that tell-tale petrified nonchalence... his pathetic gangsta clipping of the easily-rounded gerrand... That was DJ Derry Timms all over the sorry place.
"Well relationships go through stages, don't they?"
"Oh do they?"
"Yeah... 'course they do... Over time..." 98, 99, a press of the pedal, 102: "You got to evolve them... Got to work on them... aint ya?"
"And so you are thinking...??"
"I'm thinkin' about the year 2000... I'm thinkin' about new milleniums... possibilities, know wha' I mean... new sounds... new places... new vibes... new attitudes."
"New girlfriends?"

The M6 is a solemn route... Great cities always seem to be slabs of grey sleet and rain...It's all a long while back now... isn't it John Bell...

This is my first posting... Inspired, it has to be said, by the dilligent keyboard of some particular new 'findings' of mine... It is very, very odd what you can get up to these days...
So to Michael and William... thanks, because you've turned a girl on... Though not in that way of course.

Keep my seat warm... I'll be back... soon.


Blogger William Bennett said...

hi Lana,

enjoyed reading about your Canonmills experiences, anything that takes place in this great city seems to have the quality of a scene from a good novel

yes, 'Mentiras' while not as pleasingly salacious is another good one by Rodriguez :-) so what possessed this ex to give you that as a present?

v much looking forward to Bergen on Sunday, wish the stay there was a bit longer to stock up on some much-needed kitchenware, otherwise will have to resort to Studio One up the road, would also be nice to explore some of the surrounding countryside


5:02 pm  
Blogger Michael Begg said...

Curious to think that I was in my own flat in Canonmills at the time you mention - I am sure I heard something in the street. Was it you?

7:43 am  

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